National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America |

National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America |

National Youth Orchestra ntawm Tebchaws Meskas

txoj kev xav
New York
Xyoo ntawm lub hauv paus
Ib hom
National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America |

Lub National Youth Orchestra ntawm Tebchaws Meskas tau tsim los ntawm kev pib ntawm Weill Institute of Music ntawm Carnegie Hall. Raws li ib feem ntawm lub koom haum txoj haujlwm, 120 tus kws ntaus nkauj hluas uas muaj hnub nyoog 16-19 xyoos yuav mus ncig txhua xyoo los ntawm ntau thaj chaw hauv Tebchaws Meskas rau kev cob qhia hnyav, thiab tom qab ntawd ncig xyuas hauv qab batton ntawm ib tus thawj coj nto moo, uas yuav hloov txhua xyoo.

National Youth Orchestra ntawm Tebchaws Meskas yog thawj cov tub ntxhais hluas orchestra hauv keeb kwm ntawm niaj hnub America. Qhov no yog lub sijhawm zoo rau cov kws ntaus nkauj hauv tsev kawm ntawv los koom nrog hauv kev ua yeeb yam, tsim kev sib raug zoo ntawm tus kheej thiab muaj tswv yim nrog lawv cov phooj ywg, thiab tsim nyog sawv cev rau lawv lub nroog, thiab tom qab ntawd lawv lub teb chaws, nyob rau theem thoob ntiaj teb.

Hauv thawj lub caij, lub suab paj nruag suav nrog cov tswv cuab orchestra sawv cev rau 42 ntawm 50 lub xeev. Kev xaiv thiab audition ntawm cov neeg sib tw tau tuav raws li cov txheej txheem nruj tshaj plaws, yog li txhua tus tswv cuab ntawm orchestra muaj qib siab tshaj plaws ntawm kev cob qhia. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, kev ua suab paj nruag ntawm cov tswv cuab orchestra txawv ntawm ntau yam, uas qhia txog kev nplua nuj ntawm kab lis kev cai ntawm lawv lub tebchaws. Kev koom tes hauv qhov kev pab cuam yog dawb kiag li, yog li ntawd, thaum lub sijhawm xaiv, tsuas yog lub peev xwm suab paj nruag ntawm cov neeg sib tw tau raug soj ntsuam, thiab kev pab nyiaj tshwj xeeb raug faib rau lawv cov kev mus rau New York thiab rov qab.

Ua ntej txhua qhov kev mus ncig lub caij ntuj sov, National Youth Orchestra ntawm Tebchaws Meskas yuav tuaj koom kev cob qhia ob lub lis piam ntawm New York University's Purchase College, qhov chaw lawv yuav raug qhia los ntawm cov kws ntaus suab paj nruag los ntawm Asmeskas cov suab paj nruag nto moo tshaj plaws. Txoj kev ncig xyuas yog muab tso ua ke thiab xyaum raws li kev coj ua ntawm tus thawj coj James Ross, tus kws qhia ntawv ntawm Juilliard School of Music thiab University of Maryland.

Nyob rau hauv 2013, ib tug masterclasses, pab pawg neeg rehearsals, thiab suab paj nruag thiab tus kheej kev loj hlob chav kawm yuav raug coj los ntawm cov kws ntaus nkauj los ntawm Los Angeles Philharmonic, lub Metropolitan Opera Symphony, lub Philadelphia Symphony, Chicago, Houston, St. Louis, thiab Pittsburgh Symphonies.

Txhua lub caij ntuj sov, US National Youth Orchestra yuav ua yeeb yam hauv ntau qhov chaw hauv ntiaj teb, ntxiv rau lawv cov concerts nrog ntau hom kev sib pauv kab lis kev cai thaum twg los tau.

Sau ntawv cia Ncua