Bavarian State Orchestra (Bayerisches Staatsorchester) |

Bavarian State Orchestra (Bayerisches Staatsorchester) |

Bavarian State Orchestra

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Bavarian State Orchestra (Bayerisches Staatsorchester) |

Lub Bavarian State Orchestra (Bayerisches Staatsorchester), uas yog lub suab paj nruag ntawm Bavarian State Opera, yog ib lub suab paj nruag nto moo tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb thiab yog ib qho qub tshaj plaws hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees. Nws keeb kwm tuaj yeem rov qab mus rau 1523, thaum tus kws sau nkauj Ludwig Senfl tau los ua tus thawj coj ntawm Tsev Hais Plaub Chapel ntawm Bavarian Duke Wilhelm hauv Munich. Thawj tus thawj coj nto moo ntawm lub tsev hais plaub hauv Munich yog Orlando di Lasso, uas tau lees paub txoj haujlwm no hauv 1563 thaum lub sijhawm kav Duke Albrecht V. Nyob rau xyoo 1594, tus duke tau tsim lub tsev kawm ntawv rau cov menyuam yaus uas muaj txiaj ntsig los ntawm cov tsev neeg txom nyem txhawm rau qhia cov hluas. tiam rau lub tsev hais plaub. Tom qab kev tuag ntawm Lasso hauv 1594, Johannes de Fossa tau ua tus thawj coj ntawm Chapel.

Xyoo 1653, thaum qhib lub tsev tshiab Munich Opera House, Capella Orchestra ua yeeb yam thawj zaug GB Mazzoni's opera L'Arpa festante (ua ntej ntawd, tsuas yog lub tsev teev ntuj suab paj nruag tau nyob rau hauv nws repertoire). Nyob rau hauv lub 80s ntawm lub xyoo pua XNUMX, ntau operas los ntawm Agostino Steffani, uas yog lub tsev hais plaub organist thiab "tus thawj coj ntawm chamber music" nyob rau hauv Munich, nrog rau lwm yam Italian composers, tau ua nyob rau hauv lub tshiab ua yeeb yam nrog kev koom tes ntawm lub orchestra.

Pib xyoo 1762, thawj zaug, lub tswv yim ntawm lub suab paj nruag ua ib qho kev ywj pheej tau nkag mus rau hauv lub neej txhua hnub. Txij li thaum nruab nrab-70s ntawm lub xyoo pua XVIII, kev ua haujlwm ntawm Lub Tsev Hais Plaub Orchestra pib, uas ua ntau yam ua yeeb yam ua yeeb yam raws li kev coj ntawm Andrea Bernasconi. Qib siab ntawm lub suab paj nruag tau qhuas los ntawm Mozart tom qab lub premiere ntawm Idomeneo nyob rau hauv 1781. Nyob rau hauv 1778, nrog rau los mus rau lub hwj chim nyob rau hauv Munich ntawm Mannheim elector Karl Theodor, lub orchestra tau ntxiv nrog lub npe nrov virtuosos ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv Mannheim. Xyoo 1811, Academy of Music tau tsim, uas suav nrog cov tswv cuab ntawm Tsev Hais Plaub Orchestra. Txij thaum ntawd los, lub orchestra pib koom tsis tau tsuas yog nyob rau hauv opera ua yeeb yam, tab sis kuj nyob rau hauv symphony concerts. Nyob rau tib lub xyoo, King Max kuv tau tso lub hauv paus pob zeb rau lub tsev ntawm National Theatre, uas tau qhib rau lub Kaum Hlis 12, 1818.

Thaum lub sij hawm huab tais Max I, lub luag hauj lwm ntawm lub tsev hais plaub orchestra sib npaug nrog kev ua yeeb yam ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj, theatrical, chamber thiab kev lom zem (lub tsev hais plaub) suab paj nruag. Nyob rau hauv King Ludwig kuv nyob rau hauv 1836, lub orchestra tau txais nws thawj tus thawj coj (General Music Director), Franz Lachner.

Thaum lub sij hawm kav ntawm Vaj Ntxwv Ludwig II, keeb kwm ntawm Bavarian Orchestra yog ze rau lub npe ntawm Richard Wagner. Nyob nruab nrab ntawm 1865 thiab 1870 muaj premieres ntawm nws operas Tristan und Isolde, Die Meistersingers ntawm Nuremberg (conductor Hans von Bülow), Rheingold thiab Valkyrie (conductor Franz Wüllner).

Ntawm cov neeg tseem ceeb ntawm lub xyoo dhau los thiab ib nrab tsis muaj ib tus kws ntaus nkauj uas tsis tau ua nrog lub suab paj nruag ntawm Bavarian State Opera. Tom qab Franz Lachner, uas tau coj pab pawg mus txog 1867, nws tau coj los ntawm Hans von Bülow, Hermann Levy, Richard Strauss, Felix Mottl, Bruno Walter, Hans Knappertsbusch, Clemens Kraus, Georg Solti, Ferenc Frichai, Josef Keilbert, Wolfgangalli thiab lwm yam. nto moo conductors.

Los ntawm 1998 txog 2006, Zubin Mehta yog tus thawj coj ntawm lub suab paj nruag, thiab pib txij li xyoo 2006-2007, tus kws tshaj lij Asmeskas Kent Nagano tau los ua tus thawj coj. Nws cov haujlwm hauv Munich ua yeeb yam tau pib nrog cov yeeb yaj kiab ua yeeb yam ntawm mono-opera ntawm cov neeg German niaj hnub W. Rim Das Gehege thiab R. Strauss's opera Salome. Nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej, lub maestro ua xws masterpieces ntawm lub ntiaj teb no opera ua yeeb yam li Mozart's Idomeneo, Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina, Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, Wagner's Lohengrin, Parsifal thiab Tristan thiab Isolde, Electra thiab Ariadne auf Naxos » R. 'Strausrest's, , Britten's Billy Budd, premieres of the operas Alice in Wonderland by Unsuk Chin and Love, Only Love by Minas Borbudakis.

Kent Nagano koom nrog lub caij ntuj sov ua yeeb yam nto moo hauv Munich, tsis tu ncua ua yeeb yam nrog Bavarian State Orchestra hauv symphony concerts (tam sim no, Bavarian State Orchestra yog tib lub hauv Munich uas koom nrog hauv ob qho kev ua yeeb yam thiab symphony concerts). Raws li kev coj noj coj ua ntawm maestro Nagano, pab pawg ua yeeb yam hauv lub nroog Yelemes, Austria, Hungary, koom nrog kev xyaum ua haujlwm thiab kev kawm. Piv txwv ntawm qhov no yog Opera Studio, Orchestra Academy, thiab ATTACCA Youth Orchestra.

Kent Nagano txuas ntxiv mus ntxiv cov qhab nia nplua nuj discography. Ntawm cov haujlwm tshiab tshaj plaws yog cov yeeb yaj kiab kaw ntawm Alice hauv Wonderland thiab Idomeneo, nrog rau lub suab CD nrog Bruckner's Fourth Symphony tso tawm ntawm SONY Classical.

Ntxiv rau nws cov haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm Bavarian Opera, Kent Nagano tau ua Tus Thawj Coj Ua Yeeb Yam ntawm Montreal Symphony Orchestra txij li xyoo 2006.

Hauv 2009-2010 lub caij, Kent Nagano nthuav tawm cov yeeb yaj kiab Don Giovanni los ntawm Mozart, Tannhauser los ntawm Wagner, Kev Sib Tham ntawm Carmelites los ntawm Poulenc thiab Tus Poj Niam Silent los ntawm R. Strauss.

Tau qhov twg los: Moscow Philharmonic website

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